Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Vi, the Piltover Enforcer

Vi, the Piltover Enforcer
        Hello summoners, today I'll be talking about Vi, the Piltover Enforcer. Vi is a good tank, jungle, and bruiser which is powerful on fights(kaiffe,2012,p.1). Vi is one heck of a champion because she excels in ganks, 1v1 fights, and a suicide so the enemy falls in a trap. For now I'll be focusing on tank, jungler, and AD because you want her to be the best ganker and champion in the game. For runes get Magic resistance and armor for early defense and get some damage for easy kills. Masteries are 21 offense, 9 defense and 0 utility.

Vi hulk smash
 When you start getting the hang of Vi you would just gank and kill everyone that stands in your way(kaiffe,2012,p.1). All her abilities are damage which is pretty scary and putting her in a jungle gives her a lot of sneakiness and passing by every minions and crushing every champion. Her passive is Blast Shield, this gives Vi a shield when she hits an enemy with her abilities. Her first ability is Vault Breaker, Vi charges her hextech gauntlets and when you release she charges to the line given. Vi's second ability is Denting Blow, every third attack will give Vi extra damage, attack speed, and armor penetration. Vi's third ability is Excessive Force, Vi will charge her gauntlets and when she attacks she will blast a wave that damages people behind and the main target. Her ultimate is Assault and Battery, Vi will charge to a chosen enemy champion and attack it twice sending them flying into the air.
Vi has other plans
  Tips for Vi are that she is very good at 1v1 and chasing down low health enemy(kaiffe,2012,p.1). I would not say that she is over powered because she dies quickly when a summoner doesn't think or gets ganked. She is good when she is ganking because of her abilities makes her charge into the enemy. This is why I advise for summoners to make her a little tanky.
Like every champion you must check your situation and listen to others but you are a Vi you can just completely ignore it. Vi makes a wonderful jungler because she can take down a Blue Golem without leash.
Vi doesn't follow orders from Caitlyn
Vi Pentakill
How to Gank
Vi spotlight
Falcon Punch


Zeronis, Vi Official Concept Art RiotZeronis, 2013, retrieved from: http://browse.deviantart.com/art/Vi-Official-Concept-Art-RiotZeronis-366415316

LittleHitodama, Vi Smash,2013, retrieved from: http://browse.deviantart.com/art/VI-SMASH-372501928

2gold, Briefing Time, 2013, retrieved from: http://browse.deviantart.com/art/Briefing-Time-365398254

irahi, Vi, 2013, retrieved from: http://browse.deviantart.com/art/Vi-373487407

Prof Umee(producer), (2012, December 21), League of Legends: Vi Penta Kill!!, retrieved from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uE7LeCMSNg

Stonewall008(producer), (2013, February 3), Ganking as Vi, retrieved from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DkKQV2KN38

Leagueoflegends(producer),(2012, December 18), Vi Champion spotlight, retrieved from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vp3ZrRJz-ZY

JustCoopItGAMES(producer),(2012, December 21), Vi FALCON PUNCH!- League of Legends, retrieved from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v272HiZHYGk

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