Monday, June 3, 2013

Post 6: Kassadin Overview

Two factors govern the liability of a middle laning champion, ganking and farming. While most are only proficient at one or the other, some surpass the precedent set by their brethren and utilize both. Kassadin, however, fits the bill as the antithesis towards casters.

Harbinger Kassadin

According to CasterMaster (2013), Kassadin is a melee-based anti carry. Through the usage of his ultimate, Riftwalk, the former sets himself as the most mobile champion in League of Legends. Riftwalk is basically Flash given a six-seven second cooldown. Being as mobile as Kassadin makes juking and ganking child’s play.

Besides his mobility, Kassadin is often referred to as an anti carry due to his Q’s missile speed and silence. Just in case you were wondering, a silence is a form of crowd control that prevents the usage of spells. As a result, Kassadin can interrupt his adversary’s combo and go through with his own.

Of course, Kassadin isn’t without his own weaknesses. CasterMaster (2013) points out that the former’s pre-6 is easily countered. This is mainly attributed to his lack of mobility early. Additionally, as a melee-based champion, Kassadin is easily harassed by other caster’s long ranged auto attacks and skills.

1. CasterMaster (2013, May 20). Excellence is Null. Message posted to
2. NeonSpotlight (2011, July 8). Harbinger Kassadin. Message posted to
3. Fnatic vs SK BEST BACKDOOR EVER KASSADIN BY XPEKE [IEM KATOWICE] Tournament [Video File]. Retrieved from

[Video File] Retrieved from 

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