Monday, June 3, 2013

Katarina, The Sinister Blade

Katarina, The Sinister Blade
               Hello fellow summoners, today I'll be talking about Katarina, The Sinister Blade. Katarina is a AP carry champion that specialize on killing low health and very good at hitting multiple targets at the same time(Cyberskull,2013,p.1). Katarina had a re-work because Riot said she was OP(over powered) now she is a decent champion but still very strong when she is used right. For masteries you should get magic penetrations and ability power for ability damage, health and magic resist to last longer in battle. For runes get 21 on offense and 9 defense.

(left) Garen using Judgement and (right) Katarina using Shunpo bad idea
             Her abilities are good for killing minions and hitting every enemy near by(Cyberskull,2013,p.1). Katarina's passive is Voracity, which gives a reduce cooldown by 15 seconds when she gets Champion kills or assist. Her first ability is Bouncing Blades, Katarina throws a knife that would bounce on enemies nearby and gives them a mark and when she hits them she gives extra damage. Her second skill is Sinister Steel, Katarina will spin around with her blades and hit everybody that is near her. Her third skill is Shunpo, Katarina will jump behind any ally, ward, enemy, minion, and monsters. Her ult is her devastating move Death Lotus, Katarina will throw knives on enemy champions and she will continue throwing knives until she finished spinning.
Lux using Final Spark and Garen hiding in the bush

           Tips on Katarina are using Shunpo to dodge incoming range attacks like Lux's ult or any incoming long range skill attack (Cyberskull,2013,p.1). Also use Bouncing blades, Shunpo, and Sinister Blade combo and then unleash Death Lotus. In early games Katarina is a easy champion to kill because of her low health and will have a hard time facing long ranged champions. When in a team fight wait patiently until the enemy is low health because her passive gives you an advantage. When surrounded use Death Lotus or Shunpo and confuse them to escape death. She is very strong in late games and you just need to focus on magic penetration and Ability power items. Stay away from champions that stun and AD champions because they can interrupt your Death Lotus or deal tons of damage while spinning.
                                               Katarina Champion Spotlight
                                                Katarina Skill display        

                                            Fight scenes of League of Legends

Cyberskull(2013)[S3] Katarina - The Shinigami, retrieved from:

Yumedust, Katarina, (2011), retrieved from:

Arlequinne, LoL- Katarina + Garen,(2012), retrieved from:

Nestkeeper, Lux's New Ultimate,(2012), retrieved from:

Leagueoflegends(producer),(2012,August,15) Katarina Champion Spotlight, retrieved from:

Trunkmonkey23(producer),(2012,August,29), League of Legends: Katarina Montage, retrieved from:

Leagueoflegends(producer),(2013,May,25), League of Legends Cinematic: A Twist of Fate, retrieved from

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