Tuesday, June 4, 2013

OP top DR. Mundo

League of Legends Dr. Mundo Build                  Dr.MundoTHEMADMANOFZAUN(Fuggernought,2013,p.1)

It is said that the man now known as Dr. Mundo was born without any sort of conscience. Instead, he had an unquenchable desire to inflict pain through experimentation. By the time he was five, most of the pets in the Zaun neighborhood where Mundo grew up had gone missing. By his teenage years, his parents were nowhere to be found. By the time he had legally acquired his license to practice medicine, he had been acquitted of thirty-eight separate charges of murder by the Zaun authorities; the lack of evidence made prosecution impossible.

Ability Explenation:

Adrenaline Rush
More Health = More Health Regeneration!
One of the many reasons for Mundo to stack Health. It becomes more and more notable everytime you buy more Health. So abuse the **** out of it and buy Warmog's!!! But early game, it sucks...

Infected Cleaver
Mundos ranged attack!
This ability is his key to success, his bread and butter, his french fries. It deals magic damage based on the targets current health, so it hurts everyone equaly much. Its low cooldown and low cost makes it spammable, use it to lasthit minions, harras enemies etc. BUT make sure you hit something in the laning phase or this skill turns around to bite you in your ***, for it only refunds parts of the cost when you hit something. The cleavers do not scale with AP or AD and benefit the most from Magic penetration.

Burning agony
This = 3 Sunfire capes of damage!
This skill hurts the enemies. A lot. Mundo *********s (XD) red hot sweat, that burns himself and stinks so much, that it hurts the enemies noses even more. Its like having 3 Sunfire capes of damage at once, so Mundos DPS goes through the roof late game. But its best to use it only mid-lategame, because early game the cost is high to sustain this spell without  Sadism. But since the cost got lowered it doesn't hurt as much as it used to anymore. maxing it second gives high DPS and allows to push fast. Benefits the most from Magic penetration and health regeneration.

Makes Mundo hit like a firetruck.
It increases Mundos attack damage for a few seconds by a lot! And the less Health Mundo has, the more bonus damage he gains by  Masochism. This skil enables Mundo to have high damage even without AD items. The cost is almost nothing, so spam spam spam! It is the highest AD grating spell in the entire game by the way. Also good for taking down towers.  Masochism scales off oflost HP and benefits the most from Armor penetration, crit chance and Cooldown reduction.

Push R for HP.
 Sadism is a pretty easy, straight forward and unique ultimate. It gives lane sustain and teamfight sustain and lowers the propability of dying, by giving Health regeneration based on Mundos Max Health. Mundo also runs faster with  Sadism, making it also good for towerdives or escaping ganks. Stacking health benefits it the most.

Mundos kit enables him to dish out tons of damage, without buying any AD or AP items, because his damaging spells have high base stats, but dont scale off of AD or AP. Thats what is so unique about Mundo, he can buy only defensive items and still deal a lot of damage. And this is the way to play him. 

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