Friday, June 7, 2013

AP mid Tristina

THE MEGLING GUNNER   Tristana(darkpercy,2013,p.1)

League of Legends Tristana Build
Hello everyone! This guide, split up in two parts, will show you the normal way to play this champion but also the Dark Side of that champion (AP). This part is is about AP Tristana!

You can find my AD  Tristana Guide Right here!

First Part: AP Tristana

This is the first part of the guide in which I will show you how to AP Tristana :P.
AP Tristana has very high base damages and higher AP ratios than most mages in League of Legends. She can very easily burst enemies from full HP to Death. She is very powerful but very fragile.stana-and-her-dark-sides-ad-214007
Let's make it clear that in no way this guide is trying to prove that AP Tristana is better than AD Tristana. The way they are played and the things they can accomplish are so different that comparing them is like comparing  LeBlanc to  Caitlyn. Both AP and AD Tristana are viable and very fun.

Abilities Sequence and Explanation

Draw A Bead:

Increases Tristana's attack and  Explosive Shot range by 9 every time she levels. At level 18, Tristana has 153 bonus range on her autoattacks (703 total range)

This is still amazing on AP Tristana. It helps her use  Explosive Shot and  Lich Bane from a safer distance. Amazing to last hit for a good distance.


Rapid Fire (Q): 

Increases Tristana's attack speed by 30 / 45 / 60 / 75 / 90% for 7 seconds.

Great on AP Tristana late game but try not to get it earlier since the damage increase it will give you will be pitiful and the mana used will be wasted. Once you get level 18 and you get your  Malady, this spell will make you feel like a DPS :P. The spell is also really good to destroy towers later in the game.

Rocket Jump (W):

Tristana fires at the ground to propel herself to target location, dealing 70 / 115 / 160 / 205 / 250 (+80% of ability power) magic damage and slowing surrounding units by 60% for 2.5 seconds when she lands. On a champion kill or assist, Rocket Jump's cooldown resets.

AP Tristana's main skill. It deals tons of damage and also slows. Use it to: farm, kill enemies, gank, jump over walls, jump away from enemies...EVERYTHING.

Even though this spell really does a freaking lot of damage, you shouldn't use it on your enemy everytime it's up because  Rocket Jump is your most reliable escape mechanism. If you jump on your enemy in lane just to harass, and then the enemy jungler comes at the same time to gank you, you're dead. Try to only use it when you know the enemy jungler isn't too close.


Side note: This skill has its cooldown instantly refreshed if you get an assist or a kill. This is very fun because, if you can make sure your target will die, you can jump back to safety right after killing your enemy. Keep that in mind. Oh and it will also make you feel extremely cool jumping around non-stop :D.

Remember that this ability is not only for damage purposes. You can use it to escape (seriously, people tend to forget that when playing AP Trist).

Explosive Shot (E): 

Passive: Enemies explode when slain by Tristana's basic attacks, dealing 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 (+25% of ability power) magic damage to nearby enemies.

Active: Explosive Shot rends the target enemy, reducing healing and health regeneration by 50% and dealing 110 / 150 / 190 / 230 / 270 (+100% of ability power) magic damage over 5 seconds.

This skill has insane damage at level one (110 + 100% of AP) so you it makes  Tristana really strong at level 1-2. You should use this on the enemy in lane every time he gets in range. This is especially good to counter  Health Potions because this ability reduces all kind of heals by 50%.

The incredible AP ratio makes this ability hurt more than  Rocket Jump late game. Make use of the huge range it has late game to harass/kill enemies from a safe distance.

You can this ability first to have a stronger harass tool.

Buster Shot (R):

Tristana fires a massive cannonball at an enemy unit. This deals 300 / 400 / 500 (+150% of ability power) magic damage and knocks surrounding units back 600 / 800 / 1000 distance

Tristana's ultimate deals outstanding damage, especially for its low cooldown (60 seconds). Don't be afraid to use this ultimate very often (yes, even to harass your enemy if you want to). Use it after all your other abilities to kill an enemy insanely quickly.

Make sure you don't push enemies to safety with this. If you still do, at least make sure your Explosive Shot +  Ignite will kill them.

...but really, the damage it deals is just insane...


Once again, nothing too special, typical AP carry stuff.
Greater Mark of Magic Penetration
Greater Seal of Armor
Greater Glyph of Scaling Ability Power
Greater Quintessence of Ability Power

 Magic Penetration Marks simply because they are the best damage marks for Mages.

For Seals,  Armor Seals are almost a must-have right now since there are so many AD champions mid. These runes also help to counter minion aggro and autoattacks in general ( Tristana is fragile)

You could also get  Mana Regen/level because it will allow you to spam your spells mindlessly. You shouldn't be but if you have trouble managing your mana, get these seals.. And with your masteries, it gives all the mana regen you need mid and late game.

The  AP/lvl blues are pretty much the best offensive Glyphs for casters. They give more AP than Flat AP Glyphs after level 6 only! With them you will definitely feel the neat increase in damage.

The other interesting choice is  Scaling Magic Resist Glyphs. Unless you build  Abyssal Scepter, you have will 30 magic resist ALL game long. This is one of the things that can AP  Tristana so risky, especially late game. Scaling MR glyphs can help.

The  Flat AP Quintessences are pretty much a must-have. They will really help you to start the game well and will give you that deadly damage you want early game.

However,  Movement Speed quints are also a very viable choice as some people have showed me. Tristana is a great roamer/ganker and she has very low base movement speed so Movespeed Quints are really viable on AP Trist. They will help you to get in position to help your teammates out, to chase an enemy, to escape danger, etc.

Post 8: Nocturne Overview


In the current meta, Junglers are distinguished by either their ganking ability or jungle clearing. Quite frankly, some champions are just outright better than others in these regards. There is no doubt that the role of a Jungler is quite the difficult one. However, despite these obstacles, Nocturne puts himself ahead of the competition. With fast jungle clearing and phenomenal ganks, it is possible for Nocturne to literally control the flow of the game.     

Nocturne's kit is ideal for jungling. Through his passive and Duskbringer, his Q ability, he has built in sustain along with two forms of area-of-effect damage. Additionally, Duskbringer buffs his own movement speed and attack damage substantially for a duration of time. According to PsiGuard (2013), Nocturne excels at ganking post-level 6 because Paranoia, his ultimate, allows him to bypass enemy wards and acts as a long-distance gap closer.  

PsiGuard (2013) points out that Nocturne primarily acts as an assassin late game who peels for his carries. Through the usage of Unspeakable Horrors, his E, you can fear your opponents and stop them from attacking. Whilst peeling, opportunities may appear in which the enemy AP or AD Carry place themselves in vulnerable positions. By capitalizing on their mistakes, Nocturne may lead them away from the fight or even kill them. Either way, the enemy team will lose a huge portion of their damage.

1. PsiGuard (2013, May 20). Haunting the Jungle - Nightmare Style. Message posted to
1. Ashandle (2011, August 8). LeagueOfLegends DominionArtwork4. Retrieved from
2. NeeksNaman (2012, December 5). Legendary Eternum Nocturne Unleashed. Retrieved from

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


League of Legends Master Yi BuildTHE WUJU BLADESMANMaster Yi(darkpercy,2013,P.1)
Hey, welcome to my  Master Yi Guide(s) in which I will show you how to play both Ability Power Master Yi AND Attack Damage Master Yi. This guide is about AP Yi and the other one is about AD Yi. I hope you'll enjoy my guides :D!


  • Great Laning Phase
  • Amazing Pusher and Roamer/Ganker
  • Can snowball extremely hard and carry a game
  • If fed, can easily get Triple, Quadra and Pentakills
  • Can build nothing but damage and still have crazy survivability
  • There is literally nothing more fun than AP Yi in this game (Instakilling champions, Multikills and MediTanking are just so... awesome...)


  • Requires really good timing and judgement (like the old  Katarina)
  • Requires a lot of farm to be really effective Late game
  • Sometimes relies a little bit on luck ( Alpha Strike's targeting system)
  • Abilites Sequence and other Details

    Double Strike

    Master Yi strikes twice every 7th attack.

    Useful early in the game.  Alpha Strike ->  Double Strike combo hurts. Late game,  Double Strike is still good because your autoattacks may not be super powerful, but they are still important and fairly strong, especially with the  Spellsword mastery.

    *Side note: Nope, Double Strike will not make your  Lich Bane hit twice. :P

    Alpha Strike

    Master Yi leaps across the battlefield striking up to 4 enemies, dealing 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 / 300 (+100% of ability power) magic damage to each enemy with a 50% chance to deal 260 / 320 / 380 / 440 / 500 bonus magic damage to minions.

    Master Yi's Ninja skill. Your bread and butter skill, you shall use it to farm, harass, dodge skills, escape, kill champions, everything! 

    Cool things to know:
    • During  Alpha Strikeyou are untargetable, you can use this to dodge spells
    • If you have good tiing, you can use  Alpha Strike on enemies right before they go through a wall and you will land next to them (over the wall too).

    Wuju Style

    Passive: Increases physical damage by 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35.

    Active: Master Yi can activate this ability to double its effectiveness for 10 seconds, but this removes the passive bonus until Wuju Style becomes available again.

    Take one point in it whenever (usually at level 4) you feel like you could use extra damage and you don't really need to get another point in  Meditate. The first point in this ability is very strong as it gives more AD than the 2nd/3rd/etc point. It helps to last hit minions and to increase your damage overall.

    I would also like to say that because you are playing AP Yi, you did not lose the ability to right click enemies. You can still and must autoattack champions after using  Alpha Strike. However, always keep in mind that you must use  Meditate as soon as things get dangerous for your life. End Game, if you are not being focused, you can activate the ability to get another  Lich Bane proc. Max this last.

    Always activate  Wuju Style to get an extra  Lich Bane/ Sheen proc:


    Increases Master Yi's movement speed by 40% and Attack Speed by 40 / 60 / 80%, and he becomes immune to all slowing effects for 6 / 9 / 12 seconds. Additionally, killing a champion refreshes all of Master Yi's cooldowns. (Assists reduce half of the base cooldown amount.)

    This is a GREAT skill on AP Yi. Movement speed is awesome to chase and run away (+ can't be slowed). The attack speed is great early to kill enemies. But the best part is : ALL YOUR COOLDOWNS ARE REFRESHED IF YOU KILL AN ENEMY! This is what makes AP Yi something worth trying. More explanation in the Gameplay section. Put a point into this every time you can.