Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Post 4: AP Carry Overview

Viktor farming with his E
Alongside the AD Carry, the AP Carry plays a quintessential role on any team. As an AP Carry, farming and keeping yourself either ahead or even with your enemy counterpart is crucial. Thus forth, having an AP Carry in the middle lane is commonplace in the current meta. Dominance in the mid lane allows for the most control out of all the lanes. Additionally, Alabababa (2012) points out that whoever is at middle will have an advantage in both gold and experience compared to other lanes (p.1).

USA Anivia

Being positioned in the center of the map, both bottom and top lanes are easily accessible. As a result, it is very important for whoever is at middle lane to gank other lanes. Through successful ganks and laning, the AP Carry effectively wields the power to change the course of any game. According to Team Curse (2012), if your team’s AP Carry is behind, they place a great burden on the entire team.

1. Team Curse (February 7, 2012). How to AP Carry. Message posted to http://www.lolpro.com/guides/game-play/197-how-to-ap-carry
2. Alabababa (April 26, 2012). A Detailed Overview On General Builds and Roles. Message posted to http://www.solomid.net/guides.php?g=7453

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