Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Post 5: Ahri and AP Carry (2) Overview

AP Carries are separated and distinguished by two factors: laning and ganking. In the current meta, it is crucial to either be proficient in one or the other. However, some champions exceed the requirement of mastery. One such champion is Ahri, the 9-Tails Fox.

File:Ahri MidnightSkin Ch.jpg
Chinese Artwork for Midnight Ahri

Due to her unique skill set, Ahri excels at farming and being mobile. This is mainly attributed to her ultimate, Spirit Rush, which allows her to have three extra pseudo-Flashes. LaCorpse (2013) points out that Spirit Rush can be utilized to both chase down prey and escape predators (p.1).


Ahri is not without her imperfections, however. Like the vast majority of League of Legend’s AP Carries, the former is inherently “squishy,” or weak to damage. Additionally, Ahri’s playstyle is often restricted due to her detrimental mana pool according to LaCorpse (2013) (p.1).


1.  LaCorpse (2013, March 13). The Fox in the Middle. Message posted to

2. Sydeyc (2012, November 28). Ahri Midnight Skin. Retrieved from

3. MayaRote (2012, September 14). Day 30 - Redefining Weakness - Self Forgiveness. Retrieved from

4. Ahri Champion Spotlight [Video File]. Retrieved from

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Post 4: AP Carry Overview

Viktor farming with his E
Alongside the AD Carry, the AP Carry plays a quintessential role on any team. As an AP Carry, farming and keeping yourself either ahead or even with your enemy counterpart is crucial. Thus forth, having an AP Carry in the middle lane is commonplace in the current meta. Dominance in the mid lane allows for the most control out of all the lanes. Additionally, Alabababa (2012) points out that whoever is at middle will have an advantage in both gold and experience compared to other lanes (p.1).

USA Anivia

Being positioned in the center of the map, both bottom and top lanes are easily accessible. As a result, it is very important for whoever is at middle lane to gank other lanes. Through successful ganks and laning, the AP Carry effectively wields the power to change the course of any game. According to Team Curse (2012), if your team’s AP Carry is behind, they place a great burden on the entire team.

1. Team Curse (February 7, 2012). How to AP Carry. Message posted to
2. Alabababa (April 26, 2012). A Detailed Overview On General Builds and Roles. Message posted to

Leona, The Radiant Dawn

(Left)Diana and (right) Leona.

             Hello summoners, today I'm going to talk about Leona, The Radiant Dawn. Leona is a Tanky/Support and she have a lot of crowd control and her abilities are very aggressive(Nusaik,2013,p.1). Most of the players see her as a good offensive support because of her passive. Masteries for Leona is 1 offense,17 defense, and 12 on utility for a good tank/support. For items buy tanky and support items for a better advantage for both you and your allies. For runes you would need Magic penetrations for extra skill damage, Greater seal of armor, magic resist, Quintessessence of gold for extra money.

            Her abilities are Sunlight, Shield of Daybreak, Eclipse, Zenith Blade, Solarflare(Nusaik,2013,p.1). Sunlight is her passive Sunlight, which activates every time one of Leona's ability hits the enemy. When Sunlight is on an opponent and ally champion can give extra magic damage. First ability is Shield of Daybreak, which can stun her enemy with her shield. This is very useful when ganking an enemy champion to hold them in place. Eclipse is her second skill which gives Leona magic resistance for 3 seconds and when the time is up her shield explode causing damage to nearby enemies. This is effective because it works well with Sunlight for damage from the AD Carry. Her third skill is Zenith Blade, Leona sends a beam that hit enemies in a straight line and rooting an enemy champion for 1.5 seconds and making Leona dash to the enemy champion. Use this when you are chasing champions or attacking squishy champions from the back. Her ult is Solarflare, Leona sends a sun blast to the selected place and stunning enemy champion in the middle and slowing others who aren't in the middle of the blast. When ganking use this first so you can hold the enemy champion in place and unleashing very high damage on the unlucky enemy. 

     To have a successful battle in the Fields of Justice you must aim her Zenith Blade and Solarflare correctly because it is very important(Nusaik,2013,p.1). Most of her abilities are stuns so they are very effective in team fights and a very successful ganking enemy champions. Since Leona's abilities are magic you can give her Ability Power items for extra damage. Also remember Leona is not that fast and may fall behind the battle so you must put her first in the battlefield since she is a tank and slow. For more Leona tips and guides watch these videos.

Darkred21, Lol: Leona vs Diana Signature, 2013, retrieved from:

Leagueoflegends(producer),(2011,July,8), Leona Champion Spotlight, retrieved from:

GenDoukeshi(producer),(2012,July,31), How to Leona, retrieved from:

Friday, May 24, 2013

Lee sin the blind monk


Hello summoners, today I will be talking about Lee Sin, The Blind Monk. According to Fruity28(2013) Lee Sin is a melee bruiser who excels in melee combat in early games(p.1).  For tanky masteries he needs 9 offensive, 21 defense and 0 in utility you can have very different masteries because he can have different roles in a game. Now lets talk about his abilities, he has 7 which is unique like Jayce. His passive is Flurry, this passive can give him 40% attack speed and it returns 15 energy each hit. This passive can only be activated when he uses his skill. His first ability is Sonic Wave/ Resonating Strike, Lee Sin will shoot out a wave of sound  to an enemy and damage it and reveal their position for a few seconds. When used again he will do a flying kick to the enemy who got hit by the Sonic Wave. His second ability is Safeguard/Iron Will, Lee Sin will dash to a chosen ally champion, minion, wards, or to himself and casting a barrier for a few minutes. When used again he will activate Iron Will which gives him life steal and spell vamp which is very effective. His third ability is Tempest/Cripple, Lee Sin will slam the ground with his hands which damages the near by enemies. When used again he will activate Cripple which slows enemy's attack speed and movement speed by a few seconds. His last skill is Dragon's Rage(Pokemon), Lee Sin will roundhouse kick an enemy champion which knocks back the enemy champion which can collide to any enemy champions or minions which can cause damage. This skill is very useful when getting chased, changing the positions of enemy champions, enemies who are too close to each other, last hitting them for a quick kill or to push them to team gank. Also Fruity28(2013) said that he is very different from all the champions because he has 7 different abilities and he uses energy so you need to calculate every skill you use to make the most damage to the enemy(p.1).

                                          This is a Lee Sin spotlight to help you with Lee Sin: 
Also how to have fun with Lee Sin's abilities:                                      

Frutiy28 (2013) Find your center-Top lane Lee Sin
Silver-Noctis, Lee Sin, 2013
Leagueoflegends(producer),(2011,March,31), Lee Sin Champion Spotlight
Longduzguege(producer),(2012,November,2), Having fun with Lee Sin Part 1

Thursday, May 23, 2013


Fellow blog posters and viewers, I will be streaming on either Friday or Saturday at Tune in for AP Carry game play and intense Ranked games. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Garen The might of Demacia

      Hello summoners. Today I would be talking about Garen, Then Might of Demacia. According to Therealtuna(2013) Garen is a AD Tanky DPS who specializes in early and mid games(p.1). For masteries you need 21 on defense and 9 on defense and 0 utility. You should buy tanky items because he has a low health and low armor. Three of his abilities are damage skill which are very powerful and his other skill is for defense. His first skill is Decisive Strike, this removes slows and when he hits his enemy the skill silence them for a few seconds. You should get this on the first level and max it last. His second skill is Courage, it gives Garen magic resistance and defense for a few minutes. Get this on the second second level  and max it second for defense. The most used skill is Judgement, Garen spins in a circle and every enemy that gets hit gets tons of damage but he gets 20% slower the more obstacle are in the way. Always max this first and this is very effective in team fights. Demacian Justice is ultimate skill it drops a giant sword on the enemy. This is very useful for last hitting champions for ks or running enemies.
Spotlight for Garen-

        Therealtuna(2013) Garen- dominating early/mid game/video/commentary
Retrieved from
       Leagueoflegends(producer),(2010,April,23) Garen spotlight
Retrieved from

The new map ARAM

       Hallo,summmoners,the new map ARAM is came out already,did you played it yet?I'll explain the rules and play stles of it.
"Hey Gang,

It’s been a while since I first talked to you guys about making ARAM an official gameplay mode, and today I’ve got something awesome to share with you. For the past few months I’ve been working with an exceptional team of artists to create a space that’s an appropriate setting for both the epic battles that occur in ARAM and within the world of Runeterra at large. As a result, we’ve completely reworked the Proving Grounds and, in effect, created something entirely new.

Now, instead of fighting on a random bridge over a black void, you’ll be fighting on the Howling Abyss, an ancient landmark in Freljord where the Iceborn finally overthrew their oppressors and sent them tumbling into the chasm below. As you might have guessed from these mysterious journals, there’s more (a lot more!) our story team would love to tell you Freljord – but for now, you’ll have to wait.

Anyway, work is still ongoing on the map, and it’s yet a few patches away from release but we just wanted to invite you guys in a bit earlier than normal to get your thoughts as we begin to polish it up. The environment team will be actively reading the forum and looking for your feedback, so please let us know what you think!

This guide is made for people to understand the RULES in A.R.A.M.

What is A.R.A.M?

The All Random, All Mid (A.R.A.M) is a game mode that was created by players in the Practice Mode. It’s a very interesting game mode since it requires patience and luck to win. Since the game is mostly random, chances of obtaining an amazing team is based on luck. The gameplay consists of tower dives, ganks, and kills/deaths/assists which gives every player the opportunity to succeed. So, let’s get onto how to play A.R.A.M.

How to play A.R.A.M? 

Basically as the A.R.A.M states, every player is given a random champion to play mid. This means that the Top and Bottom Lanes are not accessible in this gameplay. 

Post 3: Orianna Overview

When one defines both the AP Carry and Support roles, Orianna should definitely come to mind. She is the epitome of the term AP-Support Carry, having abilities that can be attributed to each role. However, this should not be taken as a deterrent for using her. In fact, Orianna is not lacking in either department. Through proper usage of “The Ball” and rather low cooldowns, Orianna can literally control teamfights. According to Cubby1313 (2013), her abilities allow her to scout, buff teammates’ movement speeds, shield either herself or an ally, and pull her enemies in while dealing “Tons of Damage (p.1).”

Blade Craft Orianna

In addition to teamfight presence, Orianna strives in the mid lane. Scouting allows her to farm creeps safely and her passive, which adds magic damage to her auto-attacks, aids in last hitting. Also, Cubby1313 (2013) states that Orianna can escape ganks by shielding and boosting her movement speed (p.1).


2. Orianna Champion Spotlight [Video File]. Retrieved from
3. Pobelter (March 29, 2013). Orianna Guide - Mid Lane - By Pobelter. Message posted to


the Lady of Luminosity                                                 THE POWERFUL AP LUX
               Hallo,summoners,i love to play Lux, Lux is a powerful AP mid.Her abilities are strong any way,all thing you need to do is stay in team or minions and Q W E R.And Pentakill lol haha.
Damage50(+3.3 / per level)
Health345(+79 / per level)
Mana250(+50 / per level)
Move Speed330
Armor8(+4 / per level)
Spell Block30(+0 / per level)
Health Regen4.5(+0.55 / per level)
Mana Regen6(+0.6 / per level)


  • Lux has great zone control abilities. Try to set up Lucent Singularity to prevent an enemy's advance or escape.
  • If you have trouble landing Prismatic Barrier, remember that it returns to you after it reaches max range. Try positioning yourself to hit your allies with its return trip.
  • Lucent Singularity is a great scouting tool. Try throwing it into brush before walking into it to check for ambushes.


Light Binding - Lux releases a sphere of light that binds and deals damage to up to two enemy units.
Fires a ball of light, rooting the first enemy hit for 2 seconds and dealing 60/110/160/210/260 (+0.7) magic damage. The second enemy receives 50% of the effect.
50/60/70/80/90 Mana
Prismatic Barrier - Lux throws her wand and bends the light around any friendly target it touches, protecting them from enemy damage.
Throws Lux's wand to a target location and back, protecting herself and all allied Champions it touches from 80/105/130/155/180 (+0.35) damage for 3 seconds.
60 Mana
Lucent Singularity - Fires an anomaly of twisted light to an area, which slows nearby enemies. Lux can detonate it to damage enemies in the area of effect.
Creates a zone that slows enemies by 20/24/28/32/36%. After 5 seconds the zone detonates dealing 60/105/150/195/240 (+0.6) magic damage.

Activate again to detonate early.
70/85/100/115/130 Mana
Final Spark - After gathering energy, Lux fires a beam of light that deals damage to all targets in the area. In addition, triggers Lux's passive ability and refreshes the Illumination debuff duration.
Channels a dazzling ray of light dealing 300/400/500 (+0.75) magic damage to all enemies in a line. Final Spark ignites and refreshes the Illumination debuff.
100 Mana
Illumination - Lux's damaging spells charge the target with energy for 6 seconds. Lux's next attack ignites the energy, dealing bonus magic damage (depending on Lux's level) to the target.

(RIOTGAMES,2008-2010,lux informations)

Sunday, May 19, 2013

AD Carry Role Overview

The AD (Attack Damage) Carry  along with the AP (Ability Power) Carry distinguish themselves as the team’s highest damage dealers. However, the vast majority of carries trade damage over survivability. According to Chaox (2013), the ADC is dependent on gold through farming (p.1). As a result, shutting them down in lane will put a heavy burden on carries. Thus forth, it is necessary to place them in lanes that will benefit their growth. In fact, the AD Carry is paired along with the Support in the bot lane to provide coverage and protection. Additionally, Chaox (2013) states that certain pairings between the AD Carry and Support are more powerful than others (p.1). For example, Kog Maw and Nunu synergize due to the former’s percent damage on hit and the latter’s attack speed buff.

Chaox (2013, March 12). AD Carry 101. Message posted to

Friday, May 17, 2013


       Hello summoners a new champion arrived in the field of justice Aatrox, the Darkin Blade. RoitWenceskaus (2013) said that Aatrox has a thirst for battle and uses blood in battle(p.1). Aatrox appearance looks like an armored devil with a huge glowing sword and he has orange wings. Aatrox's abilities uses blood to be activated. His passive(blood well)is takes extra blood for his abilities. His first ability is "Dark flight" which makes him fly and slam himself into it. Second ability is "Blood thirst" hits his opponents in a straight line and he gets back blood on a hit opponent. Third ability is "Blades of torment" which hits a straight line and slows the enemy also it refunds back blood. His ultimate ability is "Massacre" he damages anybody near him and  he gains extra attack speed and range. His release is still unknown so you guys just need to be wait for a month until he goes out.

   RiotWencelaus(2013) Aatrox, the Darkin Blade, revealed 


 the Outlaw            GRAVES
First let's talk about abilities!!
Q. Buckshot - Graves fires three bullets in a cone, damaging all enemies in their paths.
Shoots three bullets in a cone, each dealing 60/95/130/165/200 (+0.8) physical damage to all enemies in their path. Enemies hit with multiple bullets take 35% damage from each additional bullet.
60/70/80/90/100 Mana
W. Smoke Screen - Graves fires a smoke canister at the target area creating a cloud of smoke. Enemies inside the smoke cloud have reduced sight range and Movement Speed.
Deals 60/110/160/210/260 (+0.6) magic damage on impact and creates a smoke cloud that lasts 4 seconds. Enemies inside the cloud are slowed by 15/20/25/30/35% and have their sight radius reduced.
70/75/80/85/90 Mana
E. Quickdraw - Graves dashes forward gaining an Attack Speed boost for several seconds. Hitting enemies with basic attacks lowers the cooldown of this skill.
Dashes forward, gaining 30/40/50/60/70% increased Attack Speed for 4 seconds. Basic attacks lower the cooldown of Quickdraw by 1 second.
50 Mana
R. Collateral Damage - Graves fires an explosive shell dealing heavy damage to the first champion it hits. After hitting a champion or reaching the end of its range, the shell explodes dealing damage in a cone.
Fires an explosive shell that deals 250/350/450 (+1.4) physical damage to the first enemy hit. After hitting an enemy Champion or reaching the end of its range, the shell explodes, dealing 140/250/360 (+1.2) physical damage in a cone.
100 Mana
PASSIVE. True Grit - Graves gains increasing armor and magic resistance the longer he remains in combat. 
 Graves is my favorite champian,why?
Because he is an adc his Smoke Screen can be used both to escape and to set up a kill.Using Quickdraw to get into range and delivering a point blank Buckshot can do lots of damage.His E can give him
a lot extra attack speed in the hole game.
 !!!smile!!!it's the name of the team WE'adc,and i think he is the best graves player.HERE is a video!
(riot,lol,champions,outlaw)2009,the outlaw of graves.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Sejuani Re work

         Hello summoners you probably heard of the new re work on Sejuani the Winter's Wrath. According to Morello (2013) Sejuani' lightly armored skin doesn't match the idea of a dominating ice warrior (p.1). Also they changed her abilities to go with her remake and making her a much aggressive character. The skills that changed are her passive skill, W skill, and her E skill. Her visual also changed making her have heavy armor on  and making her boar Britsle bigger.
       To watch a Sejuani Spotlight visit
Morrello(2013-04-02) Champion rework: Sejuani, the Winter's Wrath

Support Role Overview

Supports are one of the five primary roles in League of Legends. Just as their role indicates, their main goal is to help their AD Carry in laning phase. According to Xpecial (2012), there are two different types of Supports, passive and aggressive (p.1). A passive support is generally identified by their ability to sustain their laning partner, thus keeping him in lane. In contrast, an aggressive support has some form of crowd control to aid in killing the enemy laners. However, some supports have both sustainability and crowd control. An example of this would be Taric, the Gem Knight. Although Taric’s Q provides his AD Carry with sustain, he can also initiate with his E which stuns an enemy. Nonetheless, the support role isn’t simply defined by sustain or crowd control abilities. The support is the primary warder of the team; a warder places vision-giving wards. But, Kinesis (2013) states that warding may be done by everyone on the team (p.1). Therefore, it is concluded that supports may be distinguished as either passive or aggressive or even both and warding is another one of their primary jobs.


1. Xpecial (2012, May 15). Support Role Overview. Message posted to